This is the method most commonly used by savvy consumers in Korea.
However, this method may be unfamiliar and difficult for foreigners.
In Korea, this is referred to as “알뜰폰 메뚜기족” If you’re curious, you can search for various articles about it.
Korean telecom companies have very high quality. Therefore, instead of competing on network quality, they compete on the financial aspects of their plans.
So, when they attract new customers, they pay us additional commissions. We use those commissions to offer you additional promotions beyond what the headquarters provides.
This method may not be trustworthy to you since you are unfamiliar with it. If you have any Korean acquaintances nearby, feel free to ask them about it!
To ensure you receive the promotion comfortably, we will calculate your carrier change period and contact you first. If you follow our guidance, you will be able to use the plan more affordably than Koreans.